Solo Trips

A solo trip is something you should do at least once in your lifetime. For some, the thought of traveling alone is scary or unappealing, but there’s so much good that can come from it. Traveling by yourself is great because you get to call the shots and the only person you have to worry about is you, you get to learn more about yourself, and it helps you get out of your comfort zone. Traveling solo is fun and exciting, and it’s good for the soul.

It's All About You

One of the best things about a solo trip is you’re truly free to follow your heart and it’s less stressful since you're not worried about anyone else. You get to make choices based on what you like and what you think is best for you. Do you want to relax, go on an adventure, party at the best clubs, be pampered, or all the above? Traveling with others means having to consider when they can go, their budget, ideas and opinions. You may worry if they can pay for the trip on time or if they bring enough money to cover their own expenses. Being solo means there’s no one trying to change your mind on the details because it doesn’t align with their needs or wants, and you don't have to concern yourself with someone else's problems.

Solo Trips Help You Learn More About Yourself

Being a solo traveler will allow you to learn more about yourself in ways you probably haven’t before. We all know what we like in general, but you don’t know if you like something until you try it. Being on vacation puts you in a new environment where you’ll be around people and you'll see and hopefully experience new things. During vacation, you get to connect with yourself and learn more about what you like, dislike, and what you’re comfortable with as you’re experiencing everything as it happens, planned or not.

Getting Out of Your Comfort Level is Growth

Traveling alone may not sit well with some people because they’re scared to travel by themselves, or they think it will be too stressful. These are valid feelings but traveling alone is so good for your growth. Solo travel requires you to make all kinds of decisions and to trust your own instincts. You learn to enjoy your own company and to not feel like you always need someone around. It also forces you to talk to people if you have questions and to make connections with new people since no one you know is there.

Book a Solo Trip with Cloud Nine Trips

The best relationship is the one you have with yourself. Get more in touch with yourself while you have an adventure and save yourself the headache by choosing to travel solo. Cloud Nine Trips can help you plan the perfect solo trip. Please use the form to tell us more about your trip for one and we will provide you a quote.



